Dr Jeanette Stewart has been practising as a Psychologist for over 27 years.
She works with adults (16 years and older) who suffer from various neurological conditions such as stroke, traumatic brain injury and dementia.
Dr Stewart worked at the Department of Neurology (Liverpool Hospital) and in her own private practice at St Vincent’s Hospital. In addition she now works in Mackay QLD and regularly outside Mackay and interstate.
A large proportion of her work involves capacity-based assessments, which include (but are not limited to) capacity to manage affairs, testamentary capacity, capacity to stand trial, and capacity to consent to medical treatment. Dr Stewart regularly provided reports to the Guardianship Tribunal and has provided evidence to the Supreme Court, Family Court and District Court. Dr Stewart also regularly supplies reports to insurance companies where patients are assessed with respect to return to work, or to provide evidence, or lack of evidence, of Permanent and Total Disability. She is accredited with the motor State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) and has provider status with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA). Dr Stewart is a performance assessor for the Medical Board of Australia. She is also a Member of the Psychology Council of NSW.
Dr Stewart held honorary academic appointments with Sydney University and Macquarie University, where she supervised doctoral students. She regularly gives talks, lectures and conference presentations to a wide professional audience.

- Master of Medical Law & Ethics (LLM).
- Diploma in Clinical Neuropsychology (Dip ClinNeuro).
- Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsych).
- Bachelor of Experimental Psychology (BSc Hons.) (First Class).
Registration Bodies
- Fully Registered with the Psychology Board of Australia (PBA) as a Clinical Neuropsychologist & Clinical Psychologist
- Fully registered Health and Care Professional Council (HCPC) United Kingdom
Professional Memberships include but are not limited to;
- Full Member of the Australia Psychological Society (APS)
- Full Member of the APS College of Clinical Neuropsychologists (APS-CCN)
- Full Member of the Australian Clinical Psychology Association (ACPA)
- Full Member of the APS College of Clinical Psychologists (APS-CCLIN)
Professional Appointments
- Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist, Private Practice Mackay and surrounds
- Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist, Department of Neurology, Liverpool Hospital, NSW
- Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist, Private Practice (St Vincent’s Clinic, Darlinghurst)
London – UK
- Clinical Neuropsychologist, St Georges Healthcare, London, UK
- Clinical Neuropsychologist, Hurstwood Park, Neurosciences Centre. Sussex, UK
Other Professional Associations
- State Insurance Regulation Authority (SIRA) Trained Provider
- Provider Status with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs (DVA)
- Approved assessor with Medical Board of Australia
- Certificate for Assessment of Capacity – ACCEPD (Australian centre for capacity and prevention of abuse of people with disabilities). 2012.
Membership of Legal Bodies
- Australian College of Psychology,Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
- Australian College of Legal Medicine
- University of New South Wales Expert Opinion Service
- World Association for Medical Law
Further training in Capacity / Legal matters
- Master of Medical Law & Ethics (LLM)
- Bond Solon Expert Witness Training (London, June 2010).
- Day 1: Excellence in Report Writing
- Day 2: Courtroom Skills
- Day 3: Cross Examination Day
- Workshops (Dr Phil Watts):
- Legal Skills for Clinical Psychologists – A Reliable Witness
- Assessing Complex families for court
- Excellence in Report Writing
- Capacity Training Certificate. Level 1 (March 2012).
- Assessment of Capacity: Australian Centre for Capacity and Ethics and the Prevention and Exploitation of People with Disabilities
- Expert Witness Training: The Australasian College of Legal Medicine (New Zealand, November 2009)
Book Chapters
- Stewart JE & Rock AJ “Neuropsychological Assessment of Capacity (2013). In ‘Legal and Forensic Medicine,’ Eds Beran R. Springer.
Published Submissions
- Stewart JE & Vrklevski L (2013) Victorian Law Reform Commission Crimes Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 (CMIA), on behalf of Australian Clinical Psychology Association.
- Stewart JE., Bretherton L.,Swinbourne G., (2013) Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried) Act 1997 (CMIA). The Supplementary Terms of Reference (Children’s Court).
- Stewart JE & Rock AJ “Neuropsychological Assessment of Capacity (2024). Revised In ‘Legal and Forensic Medicine,’ Eds Beran R. Springer (Submitted)
Published Academic Papers
- Hepner J, Stewart JE, Woodward M (2015) Giving the Vulnerable a Voice in the Criminal Justice System: The Use of Intermediaries with Individuals with Intellectual Disability. Journal of Psychiatry, Psychology & Law, Volume 22, Issue 3, pp 453-464.
- Stewart JE, Woodward M, Hepner I. (2015) Fitness to stand trial, human rights and possibilities from England and Wales Journal of Law and Medicine, Volume 22/4, June, pp 886-899.
- Stewart JE (2015) ‘Trust me, I’m an expert’. Requested article for publication in the Australian Clinical Psychologist. Volume 1: Issue 3, pp 47-51.
- Woodward MN, Hepner IJ, Stewart JE (2014). Out of the Mouth of Babes. Enabling children to give evidence in the justice system. Alternative Law Journal, Vol 39, No 1. http://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=430971808836773;res=IELAPA
- Hepner IJ, Woodward M, Stewart JE, (2014) Giving the Vulnerable a Voice in the Criminal Justice System: The Use of Intermediaries with Individuals with Intellectual Disability. Journal of Psychiatry, Psychology & Law. Published online Nov 6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13218719.2014.960032
- Arguedas, D., Stewart, JE., Hodgkinson, S., & Batchelor, J. (2014). Wilson’s Disease: Neuropsychological comparison of siblings with neurological versus hepatic symptomology. Neurocase. Feb 5 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24499483
- Stewart JE, Woodward M, Hepner I. (2013) “I did what?, I said what?….I don’t understand you” Intellectual disability & fitness to stand trial. “Lessons ‘Down Under’ from England Journal of Law and Medicine.
- Stewart JE (2013) An Introduction to Neuropsychological Assessment. St Vincent’s Clinic Proceedings. Vol 21, No 1 http://www.clinic.stvincents.com.au/media_upload/files/Proceedings2013-FinalPDF.pdf
- Stewart J (2008). Cognitive Sequelae of Stroke. Internal Medicine.
- Stewart JE (1994) Autism: Is there a biological cause? BJN Dec (10), 3, 178-81.
- Stewart JE (1994) Diagnosis and Treatment of Phobia. BJN, May 9, (8), 549-52.
- Stewart J E (1994) Cognitive Model and Treatment of Depression. Professional Nurse, 9 (6), 376-80.
- Stewart J E & Creed J A (1994) Aphasia: A Case Study. BJN March 10-23, 226-9.
Conference Presentations
- Stewart JE, Hepner I (2017). Providing choice and control to people with a cognitive disability. Australian Disabilities Advocate (ADA), Conference.
- Stewart JE (2014) Identify barriers and strategies to assess mood & depression in acute stroke – Cognitive Aspects. Paper Presented to the Agency for Clinical Innovation Stroke Education Day.
- Stewart JE Hear no evil speak no evil. Mandatory Reporting, a comparison between UK & Australia with reference to bias in expert evidence. Paper presented at College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference, Brisbane, November.
- Stewart JE, Hepner I. (2013) Neuropsychological Assessment in Legal Capacity – Human Rights Perspectives. Paper presented at College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference, Brisbane, November.
- Woodward M, Stewart JE (2013) Giving the Vulnerable a Voice within the Justice System. The Use of Intermediaries. Paper presented at College of Forensic Psychiatry Conference, Darwin, November.
- Stewart JE (2011) What lies Beneath – The causes, manifestations and detection of bias in Expert Evidence. Paper presented at College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference, Sydney November.
- Stewart JE (2010) Grand Round Presentation, Liverpool Hospital. Neuropsychological Assessment in Wilson’s disease.
- Stewart JE & Rawling PJ (2009) Predicting the Past – Post Mortem Assessment of Testamentary Capacity. Paper presented at College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference, Sydney.
- Stewart JE (2009) Terrible Teens – or something more sinister. Paper presented at College of Clinical Neuropsychologists Conference, Sydney.
- Stewart JE (2008) Vascular Cognitive Dementia “Capacity to Stand Trial” SMART STROKE Conference, Sydney.
- Stewart JE (2008) Cognitive Assessment in Stroke – Stroke Conference Liverpool Hospital.
Languages spoken
- German (fluent)
Please contact Dr Stewart to request a CV.
Dr Stewart is happy to answer specific enquiries concerning referral questions. Please click here for Dr Stewart’s mailing details.